Friday, October 7, 2022

A Wonderful Day Between Two Places - tra due luoghi

 This was a transition day.  We were moving from Garganano to Erbusco.......from Lafay to L'Albereta.  The challenge was to find time to enjoy both places in a meaningful way.  The trip between the two was about an hour and a half, so our plan was to spend the morning relaxing at lunch and try to get to L'Albereta by about 3:00.  In the end, the timing worked great and we got to Erbusco at 3:20.

We tried a restraint maneuver at the breakfast buffet, but with limited success.  We were thinking of jumping in the car for a quick trip to a limonaia farm up the lake a bit, but ultimately decided that just crashing after breakfast in the sun was a much better option. 

We totally goofed off until lunch and went down to the spa pool area......where we split a salad.  Our breakfast could probably have kept us going all day!  We checked out at around 1:00 and drove back down the crazy sequence of hairpin is hard to describe how crazy this road is, but the views were amazing. 

We then navigated our way over to the route that Siri picked out for us......only having to get on the autostrada for about 12 miles.  The unmanned toll booths are a bit of a challenge! but we made it.  Things became a little familiar to us after the autostrada as the route in to L'alberta is now somewhat familiar.  We have been here two times before and it is one of our favorites. 

We arrived and they grabbed our bags and whisked the car away.  The lobby was pretty much the same as we remembered.  We were not sure where our room might be this time, but were pleasantly surprised.  It is in a smaller, separate building of two stories with only three rooms.  We are on the second floor and have a really nice room with a balcony looking out over the vineyards.  Erbusco is the center of this wine region which is famous for its Franciacorta wine.......which is the northern Italian version of prosecco.  They nicely remembered our previous stays and we had a bottle in the ice bucket in our room.

Briefly, the Franciacorta allowed us to take a late nap!  Dinner at 7:30 was amazing (there was a special fresh white truffle menu!) and we were excited to see a new breakfast and late night bar area on the upper terrace.  More to explore tomorrow!

First pics are of Lafay.......and the second section is L'Albereta.  



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