Sunday, September 18, 2022

Dorsoduro and Pranzo Domenicale

 Sunday ...... waking to the sound of church bells in the campanile. A wonderful, sunny fall morning.We have started a 'semi' routine of yoga stretching before breakfast ....... but probably need to improve. We are averaging about 7,000 steps a day, an probably two miles on boats! Breakfast was simple - oatmeal, toast and pears (Andrea gets an extra 'star' for thinking to bring packets of instant oatmeal ...... perfect!

We love being greeted each morning by this view as we round the corner from the Residenza to Cafe San Giorgio. It has not lost its impact.

San Giorgio Vaporetto Stop

                 EXPLORING DORSODURO

We decided to take the vaporetto down four stops and across the Giudecca Canal to Zattere stop in the sestiere of Dorsoduro.  We have always liked this area of the city because you have to cross the Grand Canal on the Academia bridge to get it is usually less frequented by the tourists.  The challenge turned out to be that this was a beautiful Sunday afternoon.......and people were out everywhere.

We did a lot of exploring, recognizing places we had been before, particularly during our New Year's stay of 2013-2014 with Noel and Clara.  We stopped to window shop in a toy store and realized we were standing next to one of our favorite restaurants from that trip!  We gave some thought to possibly going into the two museums in this area......the Accademia and the Peggy Guggenheim........both of which turned out to be too crowded to enjoy, so we decided to postpone to a mid-week trip.  Andrea, however, managed to find the museum gift shop and we left with a heavy bag!

We kept wandering and found ourselves on the fondamenta (waterside) and were about to sit down for a gelato and cafe.......but then got the inspiration to escape the crowds and head back to Guidecca and have lunch at the Belmond Cipriani.  It turned out to be a great idea, and a wonderful, relaxing and delicious meal.  The Belmond was serving lunch at the pool bar, but also at Cip's Club, a rather unique 'pavilion' built right out over the water.  After the great 'pranzo' we needed a retreat to the apartment and a well-deserved Sunday afternoon nap!

Gondola repair yard

view from Accademia Bridge looking towards San Marco and Santa Maria della Salute

view of the Grand Canal from Accademia Bridge looking towards Rialto

the yellow building is where our apartment was for New Year's getaway with Noel and Clara in 2013-2014


the grounds and vineyards around the Cipriani are rumored to be where Casanova frolicked with his women
                    an artist commissioned 'pots and pans' demonstration cooking pavilion at the Cipriani


vitello tonnato  
veal milanese 
tartlette al limone


our 'humble' but efficient kitchen getting the job done!