2020 becomes 2022

Well ........ we are back in the blogging world again! Who could have predicted what would have caused a two year delay in our plans ...... our lives ...... our expectations? This is not the place to reflect on this in much detail, as it has been a shared experience and all of us ........ and we now moving cautiously, but enthusiastically into a time characterized by new energy, new ' adaptations' and most of all, new adventures and explorations.  

Our 'Spring in Venice' has now shifted to 'Autumn in Venice!' We are all set to land in Venice from mid-September to mid-October this year ..... great timing to capture my birthday in Italy. This shift has a special meeting, as our first trip to Venice was in the fall, more than four decades ago. Our intent is to erase the passage of years and bridget the gap! I suspect we will need to be more careful with our navigation of the topography of the canals, the bridges and the calles ...... but the excitement remains!

We will keep this page short ........ just to reference to the adjustments we have been required to adopt. This new exploration is even more energizing given the context of what we have all be through!  

Andrea and Fiske 

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