Monday, September 26, 2022

Library, Painting and Gelato

 Love this sunshine! Another great day as we slowly go about our plans.  The approach was to spend the morning at Cini, then head off to Dorsoduro in the afternoon in search of a place we had read about with highly recommended gelato!

After breakfast I went off to the library to catch up on some work and research, while Andrea stayed in the apartment to sketch and paint.  We are finally building a little momentum here on the more artistic side of the brain.  The challenge is that it is too easy to take hundreds of spectacular photos.......and the sketching and painting gets pushed sideways.  I also have not been keeping up with my expected pace on the research I was hoping to do, so off to the library I go. 

I would also note that I have had a couple of ZOOM calls with the office and a client.  It works seamlessly.......although I am really limiting the contact.  The 'remote work' opportunity is an innovation that has enormous impact. 


my hangout for the morning

books on Palladio alone.....italian, english and german

After lunch in the apartment, we headed out in search of gelato.  Gelateria Squero was our target and we found it without too much trouble.  Andi's combo was cioccolata and limone......and mine was pistacchio and frutti di bosco........which is a combination of red fruit and berries which we had not heard of.  Apparently, frutti di bosco is a category of red fruits traditionally including all berries - blackberries, blueberries, black currants and gooseberries, regardless of their color - strawberries, cherries, black cherries.

Later in the afternoon, back to the apartment for a rest and a long walk around the giardini on the island.  As usual, there was no one in sight......a wonderful half-mile walk on a gravel path along the water's edge.  The wild and somewhat overgrown character of the landscape is quite extraordinary. More photos of this part of the island were posted in yesterday's blog.

the Monk's vegetable garden

After our walk we went up to the roof terrace for a glass of wine.  David Myerick was there just finishing a 'left over' dinner.  We had met David and his wife Brett a couple of days ago.  She had to return to Lucca for work, and David had gone back to vote.  They are now naturalized Italians and are living here full time.  David is on sabbatical this semester from his role as Director of the Notre Dame School of Architecture Program in Rome.  There are lots of common paths in our fact he is going on from here to Bogliasco in October.  He was actually my strongest recommendation on the applicant review process I did for the fall of this year.  Too much minutia to embed here, but we have really enjoyed our brief encounter.