Friday, September 30, 2022

The sun forgot to come out today!

 So what do we do when the sun stays behind the clouds?  A bit of laziness was our solution! After 15 days in Venice.......with sun every day......we are a bit lost.  The nice part of this is that it totally slowed us down, which was really nice.  We slept in late and decided that our first project of the day would be laundry.  After breakfast we headed down to the laundry room.  We stopped by to ask Carlos to give us some instruction on the washers and dryers just so we would not goof things up totally.  It all worked fine, the result being clean clothes.  A couple of the heavier pieces were still a bit damp and we have run out of coins to continue the we have a strange 'wallpaper' of slacks and trousers hanging from convenient spots.

Our mid-day excursion was over to the Palanca vaporetto stop.  This area is the busiest on Giudecca and also has a nice, small produce shop and the Coop store.  We timed this for lunch at one of what is considered to be a very popular local hangout......only open for lunch from 12:00 - 2:30.  The outside seating was several inches deep in overflow lagoon water, but the tables were still full!  There were wooden boxes under each table for people to put their feet on........and seawee on the pavement!

We took a look inside and saw an open table where folks had just left next to the window and went in to see if we could be seated. It worked out great and we had a wonderful lunch.  The trattoria, called Il Palanca, was packed right up until 2:30.....when we left and they took in the menus and signs!  

Very quiet day as we headed to the back side of the island and the Coop

Back to the room for resting, reading, painting and folding laundry for the afternoon.  We had tickets for a concert in the evening at 7:00, with a tour of some of the Foundation buildings at 5:00 (the Vatican Chapels........check it out online) and aperitivi at the San Giorgio Cafe at 6:00 before the conert.  It was raining, so we decided to skip the tour and showed up 30 minutes late for the aperitivi......and were the only ones venturing in!  Had a nice aperol spritz and a glass of wine, and then headed close by to the concert.  

The theater, Lo Squero, is adjacent to the Cafe and exhibition building.  It is quite spectacular as the stage wall is totally glass and the building is cantilevered out over the water.  The concert was truly amazing.......three violins and a talented a group of musicians as we have ever heard......we mean crazy talented.  This will end up as a highlight of our trip.

After the concert we put up the umbrella and walked the 5 minutes back to the Residenza.  We had a nice dinner with wine and have just checked the weather.......sun should be back tomorrow!

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